Maybe you've been thinking, if you're so sick, how come you've been writing all these blog posts?
That's a good question. Let me explain.
I'm usually a busy girl. Not a too-busy-for-you kind of girl, but I like to keep myself entertained. I like to bop around from one place to another. I like to meet you for coffee. I like to go to class. I like to talk a lot. I like to run—not especially far or fast, but I sure do like to get up and go.
Now it's like somebody's closed up all the stops. I can't go to class because I can't get down the stairs or out the door on my own. I'm too tired to talk for very long. I have a headache, so I can't read much. Caffeine? Forget about it. And let's not even talk about running.
All of my energy is gone, but there's still something inside of me that needs to come out. Fortunately, it still leaks out through my fingertips sometimes. Isn't that funny?
While I'm sitting here, I'd like to introduce you to one of my favorite places to go for breakfast. Now that eating and staying hydrated has become a full-time job, I like to have something to look at while I eat—besides my food, I mean.
What I'm really saying is that I like to look at other people's food. So sometimes I go to Simply Breakfast, a creation of Jennifer Causey, and this is what I find:
Isn't that sweet? I thought so too.
I stumbled upon your blog and realized we are having a very similar experience; I too am restlessly on bed-rest. Your blog and writing are beautiful and I enjoyed perusing them. Feel better soon!